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Technology Applications EC-12
Study & Test Strategies

Strategy 1

Study Strategy

I purchased through Region 4 the Texes Review Study Guide for Technology Application 8-12. This resource was great. I only knew Web Mastering before I began to study. I passed due to the content of this study guide.

Testing Strategy

I was surprised at the theory questions that were asked. I expected it to all be subject matter. There were no coding questions on html. Only layout questions about webpages. Being weak on the other areas I found there were alot of questions on lighting and filtering and videos. If you purchase the 8-12 study guide from region 4 and understand the terms in the guide you will do well.

Strategy 2

Study Strategy

State's free study manual - I found it very similar to the test I took. The materials were very comprehensive and the sample test was a good example of the real test. It also helped me recognize additional material that I did not expect to be on the test.

Testing Strategy

The test seemed easier than I thought. The free study guide did really help with content that I would not have expected to be on the test.

Strategy 3

Study Strategy

I used the free study guide from the state & also downloaded and purchased a study guide. The state's guide was pretty much on par with the test. The downloaded study guide wasn't worth paying for - it didn't cover anything that was on the actual test.

Testing Strategy

It was a bit harder than expected. I've been in IT for 10 years so I knew the answers to most of the questions but the ones that gave me a hard time were more in the multimedia area. If I had it to do over, I'd study the state manual, not waste money on purchasing a manual, and look over some of the Technology teacher's websites on the local area to get an idea of what material is actually being taught.

Strategy 4

Study Strategy

I used the Texes Review Study Guide for Technology Application 8-12 which I purchased through Region 4. I did not know much about video and audio and this particular study guide helped me in this area. This study guide also covers desktop publishing, HTML and graphics.

Testing Strategy

The test was still hard, but I think this study guide is your best bet. As of today, I have let two of my friends borrow it to prepare for the test and they both have passed.

Strategy 5

Study Strategy

I bought the study CD off the website and took the sample test over and over until I got all of the answers correct.

Testing Strategy

It was harder than expected. Study the CD.

Strategy 6

Study Strategy

I used the "Pass the TeXes" materials, and it was helpful. The practice tests were exactly the same as the practice tests in the free state study guide. There were also a surprising amount of grammatical errors in the text which made me nervous. I passed, but if I had to do it over I might try another resource.

Testing Strategy

The test was a bit harder than I expected. You do need to know the art stuff just as well as the tech stuff. There was even a bit on networking that I was not very prepared for. There wasn't anything on the history of tech applications. You do need to know both color wheels and some basic html.

Strategy 7

Study Strategy

I used to state's TeXes preparation manual to cover objectives and I also purchased the study guide from Region 4 store. The study guide from Region 4 store was my best resource in preparing. If I were to prepare differentl, I would've further researched the topics that are covered in the Region 4 exam. The state's manual is simply too shallow compared to what's actually covered on the exam. The Region 4 manual at least gives you an overview of just about every single topic that may be covered. I've learned that simply memorizing all of the terms and concepts covered on this exam just doesn't quite cut it. The material isn't always presented in its clearest form. Therefore, you have to further your knowledge on these objectives and be able to apply and recognize them when presented in alternate formats.

Testing Strategy

The test was harder than I expected and I thought that I had failed. However, I barely passed on my first try with a 257. My biggest struggle with the exam is how more than one answer seems like the right answer. From what I've read, there is an answer choice that is "reasonably correct" while there is also only one truly correct answer. I caught myself second guessing myself a lot and erasing answers. I have sound knowledge of working with computers, networking, and just a little bit webmastering. The hardest parts of the exam for me were the Video Technology and Graphics Design and animation sections. Make sure that you know the color wheels!!!

Strategy 8

Study Strategy

I used to state's TeXes preparation manual to cover objectives and I also purchased the study guide from Region 4 store. The study guide from Region 4 store was my best resource in preparing. If I were to prepare differentl, I would've further researched the topics that are covered in the Region 4 exam. The state's manual is simply too shallow compared to what's actually covered on the exam. The Region 4 manual at least gives you an overview of just about every single topic that may be covered. I've learned that simply memorizing all of the terms and concepts covered on this exam just doesn't quite cut it. The material isn't always presented in its clearest form. Therefore, you have to further your knowledge on these objectives and be able to apply and recognize them when presented in alternate formats.

Testing Strategy

The test was harder than I expected and I thought that I had failed. However, I barely passed on my first try with a 257. My biggest struggle with the exam is how more than one answer seems like the right answer. From what I've read, there is an answer choice that is "reasonably correct" while there is also only one truly correct answer. I caught myself second guessing myself a lot and erasing answers. I have sound knowledge of working with computers, networking, and just a little bit webmastering. The hardest parts of the exam for me were the Video Technology and Graphics Design and animation sections. Make sure that you know the color wheels!!!

Strategy 9

Study Strategy

I utilized the TeXes sample study guide to prepare myself for the exam structure. The exam was all multiple choice and by using the process of elimination, I had narrowed my choices to two. I also downloaded extra study material from ($55.00 downloadable course) and this helped out because it also reviewed terminology that I have not seen in a couple of years.

Testing Strategy

This exam was not a hard as I thought it would be but I recommend you prepare yourself to use the process of elimination. It took me two and a half hours to complete this exam. I passed with a 241 and all I needed was a 240. The sections that were most difficult for me, I do not use these sections daily as the exam would have me do, were the sections on Web Design and Desktop Publishing. After the exam, I went to Books-A-Million and looked at an HTML book and should have reviewed one of these books before going into the exam. The exam did ask me to verify actual html code and I had not seen for almost 4 years. How things have changed! I also recommend you become familiar with the Color Wheel because they asked me what colors would compliment other colors (desktop publishing). Also review the computer policies which are on most district websites. This prints out the security policies for unauthorized access or use. I studied for a month prior and even though I passed by one point - I still passed!! And I am now certified to teach EC-12 technology applications.

Strategy 10

Study Strategy

Online study guide through Texas Teachers.

Testing Strategy

Easier than I expected. Take your time and don't over-think.

Strategy 11

Study Strategy

I studied the color wheel and went over the html codes. Reviewed class notes (I am in the Instructional Design and Technology Masters program). I would probably study more.

Testing Strategy

It was more difficult then I thought it would be.

Strategy 12

Study Strategy

I used the Region 4 study guide. It was helpful for learning the content. I would recommend going to the library or buying a book on passing the TEXES. If I were to take another, I wouldn't study just the content alone. You MUST understand the concept instead of definitions alone. All the questions are setup like scenarios, so understand the content.

Testing Strategy

If taking this test, know your color wheels. Make sure you understand video technology and lighting. If two answers seem right, pick the one that's closest to an "utopia". An example of a question is: John made a blue brochure. He decided to change it to blue and purple. Then he changed it to red. What type of colors did he switch to? Understand the concept. Know the different types of fonts. Good luck!

Strategy 13

Study Strategy

The blog was very helpful in finding material to study for this test. After reading a post regarding the RegionIV 8-12 study guide. I purchased the booklet and I must say it was VERY HELPFUL! I just got my scores today and I passed. I would recommend it to anyone taking this exam.

Testing Strategy

The test was moderate. I made a 259 out of 300. Definitely study the Web Mastering content, it will be on the test. If you buy the RegionIV booklet, it will help you.

Strategy 14

Study Strategy

The blog was very helpful in finding material to study for the test. After reading a post regarding the Region IV 8-12 study guide, I purchased the booklet and I must say it was very helpful! I would recommend it to anyone taking this exam.

Testing Strategy

The test was moderate. I made a 259 out of 300. Definitely study the Web Mastering content, it will be on the test. If you buy the Region IV booklet, it will help you.

Strategy 15

Study Strategy

I used the Region IV study guide. I have extensive experience in IT, so the areas of focus for me were Color Charts, HTML, and Lighting for video. If I were to do anything differently, it would be to spend a little more time on the HTML coding.

Testing Strategy

The test was as expected. Read the question, eliminate the immediate wrong answers and make your selection for the best right answer.

Strategy 16

Study Strategy

I used Jim Beckas 30 Days Technology Applications Study Guide to help me pass the Tech. Appl EC-12 test. It really helped just know the color wheel and know about the webmastering section. Those questions can be very hard. I had the Region 4 book but to me Jim Beckas study guide is more in depth and more detailed to were you can understand it. I hope this helps!!! Good Luck!!

Testing Strategy

It was hard but just think through the questions and take your time reading from beginning to end so that you can answer correctly.

Strategy 17

Study Strategy

I used Beckas and practice online test. I studied a little until about a week before the test and then I devoted a lot of time to it going through Beckas 30 day book in a weekend and taking the practice exams from I took the advice of studying the color wheel that I found here and that helped as I did not consider it important. I knew I could not learn HTML and don't even understand why it's on the test.

Testing Strategy

I arrived early and they started me early. I made tick marks on a sheet for the ones I knew for sure and felt confident I had answered correctly. Some of the questions were quite dumb because they lacked a "real world" answer. They were more theoretical than practical. I got my scores yesterday and finished with a 283 out of 300.After answering all of the questions, I reviewed each one and believe it or not I found one that I had answered incorrectly because I did not really think about the question. On second look, I got it right.

Strategy 18

Study Strategy

I am a recent college grad so most of the information was still fresh on my mind. I bought the "Pass the TExES" study book online. There are 12 "chapters" in the book and I read one chapter a day. After that, I just kept reviewing each chapter to keep the information fresh in my mind. Everything that was covered in this book was on the test. For an extra supplement I also bought a subscription on for this test. For me this was also very useful. Same material as what was in the book but just in a different format. It also gives you test questions to practice what you know.

Testing Strategy

Most of the questions were situation questions. So it tells you that you want the kids to do this certain thing. What is the best way of achieving it? Most of the questions you could narrow it down to two answer choices. As others have stated, there were color wheel questions too.. If you know basic HTML you will do fine on that section. I plan on taking the business test as well and I will be using the same type of studying strategy for it.

Strategy 19

Study Strategy

ETS Study Guide, Jim Becka's Practice Test ( I did not have a lot of money to spend, so I didn't. It worked out find. I refreshed my memory on terms/concepts as needed. I used the ETS study guide as a guideline on what specifically to study.

Testing Strategy

It was more theoretical that I expected. A lot of situational questions. I was most worried about the Digital Graphics/Animation/Desktop Publishing section. However, I actually ended up doing the best on that section (only 3 answers missed). Tips: For the situational questions, pick answer that makes the most sense (i.e. use common sense).

Strategy 20

Study Strategy

I purchased the Jim Beckas material from his website and I also purchased the "Pass the TeXes Exam" Study Guide. The Jim Beckas material is excellent as it structures the practice test questions just like the real test. I also created my own multiple choice questions from the "Pass the TeXes Exam" Study Guide. My strategy going in was to quiz myself until I knew all of the material and it worked.

Testing Strategy

The test is not hard at all if you have prepared yourself for it. If you are not prepared to take the test it will be apparent early on. Like others have stated the test questions are structured toward application. There are two obvious wrong answers, there is one answer that "COULD BE" right and there is one answer that "IS" right. Choose the "perfect world" answer. Be sure to know the Color Wheel! Also know the media file types and what they are used for (i. e. jpeg, .gif, .tif, .mpeg). Know what the different multimedia software is used for, like Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc. Know the basics of animation, and video lighting. I answered all of the test questions in about an hour and a half (I took my time) then I spent the next hour and a half going back over them. This helped because I found about 4 questions that I didn't read carefully and had put down the wrong answer. Going back over the questions allowed me to catch my mistakes. I scored a 270.

Strategy 21

Study Strategy

I downloaded the state study guide and purchased a basic technology textbook from Half-Price Books to reacquaint myself with the terms. My master's program covered digital media so I as familiar with a lot of the terminology. Definitely review the color wheels and file types (i.e. jpeg, png, gif, bitmap etc.). I used the Passthetexas guide which was very helpful. If you have any type of tech knowledge and are familiar with basic terms, you should be fine. I scored the least in the Domain 4/Competencies 10, 11 and 12. I would be sure to study that area.

Testing Strategy

The test was pretty easy to me. I guess because I knew a lot of the material. Brush up on the terminology. Its very basic. is the probably the best guide in addition to the state guide. I studied for a good strong week before taking the test. I scored 248 on the exam the first and only time I took it!

Strategy 22

Study Strategy

I started my preparation and review just about a month before the exam date and used the "Pass the TExES Technology Application EC-12" (4th Edition) by McLeod & Mentze almost exclusively. I also did the practice quizzes posted on this blog as well as the one included in the TEA preparation manual. I read through the text material at least three times. The third time, I took the time to make a list of each of the major concepts outlined under the 12 competencies. Then I set out to define them in my own words. I recorded myself reading through my notes.The recording helped with memorization and recall of information. I could almost repeat my recording word-for-word. Being the visual learner that I am, I also looked up YouTube explanations as well as visual representations of the concepts that I was unfamiliar with such as the color wheel. While by no means a techie, I have to admit that I have some academic and practical background in using technology in teaching and learning. My advice to a novice taking the test would be to do a more in-depth exploration of the concepts outlined in the text mentioned above. By the way, I selected that text because it was the most affordable option I could find. Pay attention to best practices in planning, implementing, and evaluating teaching/learning activities. Knowledge of the technology concepts are worthless only if you can't use them successfully in the classroom.

Testing Strategy

Because so many here had admitted finding the test more difficult than expected, I went in expecting it to be mighty difficult. However, I left the exam room feeling quite confident that I had passed. Figure out the best way you learn in order to help you master the material. For me, it was a combination of visual and auditory routines. If you have to make and color a color-wheel to understand it, do that. I obtained a score of 264 on the test. I wasn't satisfied with the amount of time I devoted to preparing for the test, but apparently, my preparation method was effective.

Strategy 23

Study Strategy

I borrowed a Texes book from a friend however, it was 10 years old. It was a good resource and starting point. I read it cover to cover once. Besides the Texes book, my main resource was Quizlet. I learned the flash cards for each area, created my own folder and saved the flash cards for every section. You have to understand the concepts and be able to apply them. It had no HTML coding on the test but a few questions where it made sense to understand the language. There were a lot of video and multimedia questions. Definitely study the color wheel and all of the terms associated with the color wheel. Understand networks and all of the terms associated with them. I only gave myself 3 weeks to study.

Testing Strategy

The test was easier than I thought it would be but there were definitely a few questions that were tricky. I was able to narrow most down to two answers and just took my best guess. Take a lot of practice tests so you know what to expect.

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