Texas Teachers wants to make sure every student has a teacher with the right training and certification to meet their specific needs.  Educational data and district feedback shows what we all know – there is a rising need for ESL, Special Education, and Bilingual certified teachers. Our aim is to not only motivate our candidates to pursue these areas, but also equip them for success.

Toward that end, we’re proud to launch monthly test preparation webinars for each of these exams:

  • 154 ESL Supplemental EC-12
  • 161 Special Education EC-12
  • 190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT)

These webinars are designed and led by the Texas Teachers Curriculum and Instruction team – a large, dedicated, and effective group of Texas educators working hard year-round to make sure our candidates are well-prepared.  These webinars provide two hours of in-depth review of the exam domains, competencies and common questions.  They also compliment the online test prep coursework we developed in recent years, covering most of the certification exams offered in Texas.

These are just a few of the many ongoing efforts here at Texas Teachers to help your campuses find the right teachers for every student.  Keep sending your thoughts and ideas our way, and we’ll keep working to make sure our program is the best it can be.

– Jonathan Schneider – Outreach, Recruiting, and District Support