So you want to become a teacher and are wondering if your state is a great place to teach. Wallethub of all people thinks they have the answer on which state has the best teaching jobs.  They put together a panel to look at various factors and rank the 50 states and DC on the best places to work.

The best – New York

The worst – Arizona – ouch

If you want the highest salary go to Michigan (ps – we can get you your Michigan teacher certification). Want low competition for teaching jobs – head to Arizona (we will be there soon). Want low pupil-teacher ratios and highest per pupil spending then head north to Vermont. And if school system is high on your list it’s all about Massachusetts.

Wallethub looked at about 20 factors and gave them each appropriate weighting to come up with their rankings and overall it looks like a good indicator.

However – it is averaging over an entire state and each state has many different school districts and schools. To say you won’t work in Arizona because it is dead last ignores the many districts and charters that are great in that state.

Bottom line – when looking for a teaching job, be flexible and look around.  There are wide differences in the job satisfaction so pick the best!