The average salaries for kindergarten teachers vary by state and by industry. As of May 2021, the lowest average salary for kindergarten teachers was $38,390 for those working in child day care services, while the highest average salary was $98,440 for those working in schools. These salary ranges can fluctuate significantly based on several factors, such as location, relevant work experience, licenses and certifications, and educational credentials. 

At Teachers of Tomorrow, we are dedicated to assisting aspiring educators in their pursuit of becoming successful teachers. As part of our commitment, we provide accurate and up-to-date information on salaries in various teaching positions and roles. 

Kindergarten is the official point where young children begin to enter the school system. It is a stage mandated by the government and is required in order to progress to elementary school. For most children, this can be a challenging moment in their lives, and it is up to the kindergarten teacher to shoulder the responsibility of establishing a secure and inclusive environment for these kindergarten students. If you aspire to become a kindergarten teacher, then you need to understand the requirements and qualifications for this role. 

What Is a Kindergarten Teacher? 

A kindergarten teacher is a trained and licensed professional with an expertise in early childhood education. They possess the skills and experience necessary to care for and educate young children who are at least 5 years of age. Their responsibilities include teaching children develop fundamental skills in reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as nurturing their creativity and problem-solving abilities in 

Kindergarten teachers also help in fosteringthe social and emotional growth of kindergarten students. 

To achieve these goals, kindergarten teachers use various techniques, such as games and other activities that encourage and motivate their students to learn. This also includes designing programs that are tailored to the unique needs of kindergarten students.. Individually, kindergarten teachers must also possess excellent communication skills, creativity, and a passion for education. 

To become a kindergarten teacher, one must at least have a bachelor’s degree in early education, with some states requiring a major in a core subject, like math or science. There are also states that may have its own licensure or certification process for those aspiring to teach kindergarten in those states. 

Kindergarten teachers must possess excellent communication skills, creativity, and a passion for education. They are responsible for monitoring individual student progress and communicating with parents or guardians accordingly. To become a qualified kindergarten teacher, one must hold at least a bachelor’s degree, with some states requiring a major in a core subject like math, and obtain state licensure or certification.

Overall, the role of a kindergarten teacher is vital in shaping the minds of young children, preparing them for future academic and personal success.

How Much Do Kindergarten Teachers Make?

How much a kindergarten teacher makes depends on several factors. On average, kindergarten teachers earn an annual salary of approximately $64,490. The salary structure for kindergarten teachers can either be a fixed annual salary or an hourly rate, depending on the industry. 

Factors such as years of work experience, specialized qualifications or credentials, and educational background can affect a kindergarten teacher’s actual salary. 

Here’s a simple graph to show the lowest and highest ranges for kindergarten teacher salaries:

kindergarten teacher salary national average.


What is the Highest and Lowest Paying Kindergarten Job?

By industry, the lowest average salary for kindergarten teachers is $38,390 for those who work in child day care services, while the highest average salary hovers around $98,440 for those employed in schools. 

Here’s a simple chart showing industries offer the highest possible average salary for kindergarten teachers:how much odes a kindergarten teacher make by industry.


Kindergarten Teacher Salaries By State

The salaries we’ve provided so far refer to the average for the entire country and by industry. To give you a better perspective, here’s a table showing the average annual salary by state, arranged from the highest to the lowest:

KentuckyStateAverage Annual Salary
1California$ 85,760.00
2Massachusetts$ 85,470.00
3New York$ 84,530.00
4Connecticut$ 80,410.00
5Oregon$ 77,920.00
6Washington$ 77,860.00
7Rhode Island$ 77,220.00
8New Jersey$ 72,170.00
9Alaska$ 68,830.00
10Pennsylvania$ 68,250.00
11Maryland$ 67,390.00
12Virginia$ 66,100.00
13Illinois$ 65,790.00
14Georgia$ 65,210.00
15Nebraska$ 64,630.00
16Minnesota$ 64,290.00
17New Hampshire$ 62,140.00
18Wyoming$ 60,900.00
19Ohio$ 60,600.00
20Michigan$ 59,910.00
21Texas$ 59,270.00
22Florida$ 59,040.00
23Utah$ 58,370.00
24Nevada$ 57,940.00
25Colorado$ 57,870.00
26Delaware$ 57,270.00
27Wisconsin$ 56,670.00
28Kansas$ 56,630.00
29Vermont$ 56,360.00
30Hawaii$ 55,890.00
31North Dakota$ 55,480.00
32Missouri$ 54,860.00
33New Mexico$ 54,060.00
34Kentucky$ 54,050.00
35Oklahoma$ 53,820.00
36Maine$ 52,910.00
37Indiana$ 52,570.00
38West Virginia$ 52,010.00
39Iowa$ 51,420.00
40South Carolina$ 50,970.00
41Arizona$ 50,830.00
42Arkansas$ 50,650.00
43Tennessee$ 50,490.00
44Alabama$ 49,100.00
45North Carolina$ 48,770.00
46Mississippi$ 46,610.00
47South Dakota$ 46,520.00
48Montana$ 46,020.00
49Idaho$ 44,550.00
50Louisiana$ 44,360.00

Note that kindergarten teacher salaries by state are a mix of hourly salaries and annual salaries regardless of hours of work. This makes calculating the data for average hourly salaries by state difficult. 


How To Become a Kindergarten Teacher

Teaching kindergarten can not only be a fun opportunity, but it can also be very challenging, as well. It is a role that puts you in a position to shape and nurture young minds, both academically and emotionally. This is why states put emphasis on what it takes to become a kindergarten teacher. 

Typically, becoming a kindergarten teacher means getting a bachelor’s degree in early education. You may also need to pass a state-required licensing or certification process to become eligible to teach kindergarten there. In some states, a relevant master’s degree or a major in a core subject like history or math may also be a requirement.

You can learn more about your options by reaching out to an experienced and accredited organization that provides information and guidance on how to become a teacher. 

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